/ Cognitive Neuroscience  

Exploring the brain a panoramic cognitive human thinking model


Outline of this article

  • How the human brain processes external things
  • Several steps people think about
  • Five stages of human brain development
  • Several common thinking modes
  • Thinking Features and Mind Maps
  • The relationship between several thinking modes
  • Human consciousness has the ability to travel through time and space
  • Classification of human brain thinking patterns
  • Comparison of Chinese and Western Thinking Modes
  • The fundamental role of human thinking
  • Masterpiece of human thinking

First, the human brain’s processing of external things

It can be roughly divided into the following processes:

  1. There are sources of information.
  2. Perceived by the five senses, a reflection is formed in the human brain.
  3. The analysis and processing of the image by the human brain (from the formation of the concept to the analysis and reasoning).
  4. Form your own opinion (either right or wrong) and guide practice.

How the human brain processes external things

How the human brain processes external things

Left and right brains are good at:

  • The right brain (perceptual) excels at: rhythm rhythm, spatial awareness, overall concept Gestalt, imagination, daydreaming, color colour, size dimension.
  • Left brain (rational) excels: text words, logic, numeric numbers, sequence, linearity, analysis, lists

Two steps people think about

  1. Define Question
  2. Set up Logical (Decision) Tree
  3. Odom Razor Dirty Filter retains the core and boldly deletes irrelevant parts or parts with low relevance.
  4. Propose hypothesis Build Hypothesis
  5. Define data and sources, collect data
  6. Test hypotheses.

Three stages of human brain thinking development

The development of human brain thinking is divided into five stages and five forms, namely: action thinking → image thinking → image logical thinking → abstract logical thinking → dialectical logical thinking. People who have not studied developmental psychology are a very vague concept of thinking, and this ambiguity also brings about the ambiguity of life.

1. Action thinking is a form of thinking for infants and young children : children’s intelligence is in their hands. The movements of hands and feet directly stimulate the development of the central nervous system. Children’s thinking and movement are synchronized.

2. Image thinking is the main form of thinking in early childhood: the feature is that language symbols and physical images are linked together. This is a qualitative leap in thinking. Children begin to truly understand nature and internalize everything in nature into the nervous system. It is from this that we like to watch cartoon books in childhood.

3. Image logical thinking is the logical relationship between images : if one apple plus two apples is equal to three apples, six pears are not as many as two pears. The emergence of logical thinking is another qualitative leap, that is, children begin to understand the connection between things. This is how we first started to understand mathematics.

4. Abstract logical thinking is a logical relationship separated from the image : such as pure symbolic operation, generally 11 years old has complete abstract logical thinking. Abstract logical thinking is the most important form of thinking. All our education revolves around it. It is everything in the test-oriented education system. Once a person has poor logical and logical ability, he is sentenced. Under the current Chinese system, he It will never be accomplished.

5. Dialectical logical thinking is the highest level of thinking: that the previous logical relationship may be incorrect, it does not matter whether it is right or wrong, Newton’s law is sometimes wrong, killing is sometimes a hero, and Guan Jian is from which angle . Dialectical logical thinking can be said to be a real sign of a person’s maturity. He directly determines the height of a person’s growth and determines the success and failure of life.

Psychological research has found that some people with incomplete personality can’t form dialectical logical thinking throughout their lives, and can’t look at problems from the perspective of others throughout their lives. But dialectical logical thinking is one thing, and willingness to use dialectical thinking to guide one’s actions is another.

Dialectical logical thinking can be trained, that is, transposition thinking.

Fourth, several thinking modes commonly used by people

  1. Empirical thinking : This is the simplest. Most people in daily life are used to judging by their own experience.
  2. Analogical Thinking : Zhouyi is the earliest analogical reasoning system for human beings.
  3. Logical thinking refers to the rational cognitive process in which people actively reflect objective reality by means of thinking, concepts, judgments, and reasoning in the process of cognition. It is produced and developed as an analysis of the thinking and its structure and the laws of action. Only through logical thinking can people achieve the grasp of the essential provisions of specific objects, and then understand the objective world. Logical thinking has the characteristics of standardization, strictness, certainty, and repeatability. It is the advanced stage of human cognition, that is, the stage of rational cognition. Also called “analytic thinking”, “theoretical thinking”, “abstract thinking” or “closed eyes thinking”.
  4. Dialectical thinking refers to the correct reflection of the dialectical development process of objective things by thinking forms such as concept, judgment, and reasoning, and the thinking mode of understanding things from a perspective of change and development is a reflection of objective dialectics. The most basic feature of dialectical thinking is that the object as a whole is examined from its inherent contradictory movements, changes, and interrelationships in various aspects in order to understand the object systematically and completely in nature. Dialectical thinking is usually considered as a mode of thinking that is opposite to logical thinking.
  5. In logical thinking, things are generally “this is another”, “not true is false”, and in dialectical thinking, things can be “also this and another” and “true and false” at the same time without hindrance Normal thinking activities. Everything in the world is interconnected and affects each other, and dialectical thinking is based on the objective connection between all things in the world, and further understands and perceives the world, and feels human and nature in the process of thinking. Relationship, and then a kind of thinking that leads to some conclusion.

V. Thinking Features and Mind Maps

Scientific research has fully proved that: the characteristics of human thinking are radioactive, every piece of information, every feeling, memory or thought entering the brain (including every word, number, code, food, fragrance, line, color, image, Beats, notes, and lines) can be expressed as a branch of thinking, which shows a radioactive three-dimensional structure.

The process of discovery: Tony Buzan, a famous British psychologist (the “Father of Memory” in Britain. The inventor of the “Mind Map”), discovered the great artist Da Vinci in his process of studying the power and potential of the brain. Many drawings, symbols, and wires are used in the notes. He realized that this might be the secret of Da Vinci’s super mind.

Tony Buzan also experienced the typical “pilgrimage” of students in college. After encountering difficulties and problems with information absorption, organization and memory, he went to the library for assistance, but was surprised to find that there was no relevant teaching about how to use the brain correctly and effectively. Books and materials, after these setbacks, also made Tony Buzan start to think that it is impossible to develop new ideas or methods to solve these common difficulties and problems.

So Tony Buzan began to study psychology, neurophysiology of the brain, linguistics, neurolinguistics, information theory, memory skills, comprehension, creative thinking and general science. Gradually Tony Buzan discovered every brain cell and Various techniques, if applied harmoniously and skillfully, will produce greater efficiency than working separately from each other. This seemingly tiny discovery has produced unexpectedly satisfying findings:

1. Changes in the method of taking notes can increase memory by at least more than 100%.

2. Many “learning impaired people” are actually memory impairments, not thinking impairments, because memory impairments hinder the development of his brain thinking.

3. The brain essentially remembers and thinks in an interrelated and integrated manner with keyword concepts.

Mind map features:

  1. The biggest obstacle to thinking is complexity and chaos; mind mapping can make him simple, orderly, process-oriented, graphical, and clear.
  2. Mind mapping is a process of presenting a mind-related process through a tree structure with sequential labels, and a process of materializing radiation thinking.
  3. The mind map is mainly to promote the generation of inspiration and the formation of creative thinking by means of visualization.
  4. Mind maps are an expression of radioactive thinking, and therefore a natural function of human thinking.
  5. Mind maps navigate the entire range of cortical skills in a distinctive and uniquely effective way-vocabulary, graphics, numbers, logic, rhythm, color and sense of space.
  6. The mind map is based on the simulation of the human brain. The entire picture is like a structure diagram of a human brain and can play the overall function of the human brain.
  7. Mind maps are a key to unlocking the infinite potential of the human brain by using both graphic and textual skills.

Example: Mind Map


The relationship between several thinking modes

1. (Tree-type thinking, space thinking, network thinking) are completely connected

2.Each emphasis is different

  • Tree thinking: describing objects
  • Spatial thinking: describe objects and express spatial relationships
  • Reticulated Thinking: Representing Relationships with Various Icons

7. The human mind has the ability to travel through time and space

This can be seen everywhere in Chinese teaching: “Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice and snow, thousands of miles of snow drifting”, “Qi Huang Han Wu, Tang Zong and Song Zu” “Yuan Yuanshan, swallowing the Yangtze River, vast vast soup soup, boundless horizon, Chaohui “Xiyin, a lot of weather.” These are unfolding in a specific space-time area. Without the author’s creative thinking and time and space to travel, he would never create a well-known masterpiece.

“The good rain knows the season, when spring is happening, and the wind dives into the night, and the moist is silent.” When the thinking consciousness enters a specific time and space with the expression of the words, the quiet words become active, and the words no longer appear in the mind It’s language, but it’s a scene of drizzle quietly moistening the earth on spring night. Entering the specific time and space defined by the work, you can change from static to dynamic.

From careful description, all good narratives, argumentative papers, and expository texts, all good novels, poems, and prose all reflect the perfect combination of matter in a specific time and space, and reflect the author’s deep understanding and understanding of the material movement in a specific time and space. The time span shown by the author’s work is much smaller than the time and space span of the article in the idea. It is difficult to produce a good work without a broad and deep time and space background.

The classification of human brain thinking patterns

There are many types of thinking patterns in the human brain, the most important of which are the following:

  1. Linear thinking and non-linear thinking: Linear thinking is easy to go black all the way
  2. Divergent thinking and convergent thinking: such as “multiple solutions to one question”, “write more about one thing”, “multiple use of one thing”, etc., to cultivate the ability of divergent thinking. Psychologists believe that divergent thinking is the most important feature of “creative thinking” and one of the main indicators of creativity.
  3. Point thinking, face thinking, and body thinking: To be able to think about problems from all directions, that is, “stand up and think”. Such as three-dimensional greening (roof garden, indoor greening, backyard greening, balcony greening, etc.), three-dimensional planting (maize field growing mung beans, sorghum field growing peanuts, etc.),
  4. Vertical thinking, lateral thinking and lateral thinking
  5. Forward thinking and reverse thinking
  6. Symmetric and asymmetric thinking
  7. Static and dynamic thinking
  8. Logical thinking and dialectical thinking
  9. . . . . . .

Comparison of Chinese and Western Thinking Modes

I. The West: Formal Analysis Thinking Mode

Thales, the first western philosopher, made an outstanding contribution to the development of geometry while unveiling the prelude to the thinking model of formal analysis. The two are closely related. Heath, a well-known British historian of mathematical mathematics, pointed out when summarizing Thales’ development of geometrical contributions (“Geometrics has become a deductive science based on general propositions”).

Pitagora and his school promoted this model, considering numbers as both the substance of the ontology and the form of the ontology, thinking that everything is derived from imitated numbers. In particular, he is dedicated to linking numbers with geometry to explain the derivation of all things. It is under the impetus of this thinking mode that Pitagora has made outstanding contributions to the development of mathematics and natural sciences.

China: Overall Organic Thinking Mode

1. From the world view to the social history ethics view

2. The theory of “qi” in the view of nature: In traditional Chinese philosophy, qi is understood as the material origin of a continuous intangible whole. An objective existence that can move and occupy space.

3. Simple dialectical logic in thinking method. The dialectical logic of the pre-Qin period can be represented by the Book of Changes, which establishes the unifying principle of unity of opposites. In its mysterious form and idealist system, it contains rich thoughts on the use of dialectical thinking. It calls the law of the universe’s change “Easy” and “Dao”.

“The Book of Changes” was the earliest analogical reasoning system for human beings .

3. India: Holistic One Form Intermediary Thinking Mode

Ten, the role of the human mind

Thinking (thinking) is the indirect, generalized processing form of the human brain on real things, expressed in implicit or implicit language or action (Wikipedia).

Thinking processes multiple levels of objective relationships and connections, revealing the intrinsic and essential characteristics of things, and is a high-level form of psychological activity.

The thinking process is the process by which the human brain processes information. Specifically, it includes a series of processes such as analysis, abstraction, synthesis, generalization, comparison, etc. , and systematic and specific logical processing formed according to the development law of different things.

Thinking (thinking model), it is the result of a variety of thinking and thought processes of the human brain collection; through human understanding and practice of the objective world, and is subject to the provisions of a series of basic concepts and constraints, has been the mode of thinking Positioning ; it is an internal formula for people’s views, reference structures and beliefs, and plays a decisive role in people’s words and actions (so as to affect the outside world).

The thinking mode itself is an organic system composed of many factors. The relative stability or major change of any factor will have an effect on the stability or change of the entire thinking mode. Among them, certain logical theories and principles that affect the logical form used in people’s cognition activities also have an effect on the entire thinking mode of a particular subject.

Using a certain mode of thinking to think about a particular thing and produce a certain content of thought is the mode of thinking.

Another explanation is: the way of thinking is the sum of the thinking form, thinking method and thinking procedure in the thinking process formed by people in a certain era on the basis of certain ideas, knowledge and methods. It is a thinking framework. The above is a reflection of people’s social production and life.

In many cases, the definitions of “thinking mode” and “way of thinking” are not much different.

Eleven masterpieces of human thinking

High-level summary of ancient Chinese war theory in Sun Tzu’s Art of War and Wuzi

Natural sciences such as mathematics, physics, geography and astronomy focus on logical thinking

Humanities such as history and politics focus on dialectical thinking

Narrative, Analysis and Summary of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms